Monday 31 October 2011

My 2P Lecture had check whom didn't came today because it was too much people didn't attend the class. He had make a call to those who didn't came to his class to get the reason. Luckily, i and my friend had attend the class. I felt thanks to Shu Xian because had bring me and my friend to attend the class at Proton City on 4.00 pm if not we will really late for that class. Today, i felt so tired.

Sunday 30 October 2011

It was a wonderful day. I had sleep until 10.00 am and i felt spirit because had that enough sleep. Then, i had wash my clothes and eat my breakfast before i go to the class. It was suddenly raining let me felt lazy to go for the class. At the evening, i had go to night market at Kolej Kuo. At the night, i had do my assignment that need to hand up on week 8. Since week 8 is nearly, it was arouse me to finish my assignment.

Saturday 29 October 2011

A friend is someone who you can relate to and can rely on, and who can rely on you. A friend is someone who you can tell everything to. If you're lucky enough they might trust you enough to confide in you too. Everybody knows the says " Treat other the way you want to be treated", so if you are open and sincere about things, there is a great chance that they will share their thought with you also.

Friday 28 October 2011

Assignment Again

Early morning, i had wash my clothes then had a cup of Milo before start do my assignment. At the noon, My ex-housemate had ask me and Doreen go to eat lunch at their's house. It timing was definitely, because at that moment i just think about what is my lunch. Haha...They had cooked curry vegetables, meat and so on, it was delicious. After having lunch, i continue on my assignment

Thursday 27 October 2011


I had discussion at 1.00pm at library there. I had wait for the bus at 12.45 pm, but there was no many bus because it was holiday. When arrived campus, it was not too much peoples at there because all had go back to their hometown. At library there, we had discuss on how to do it. Because of this subject lecture wanted the data from the newspaper, so we need to count the percentage for each different part. Then finally all of them had finish count and give the data for me to key in. I had stay at there until 6.15 pm then i go back. After took bath, i had continue to do my own part before combined with others. I need to finish it with successful.
Jia You, Siew Mee!!!!!!Go Go Go......

Wednesday 26 October 2011

One Day Trip At Sungkai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was Deevapali Holidays. I follow the church teams go to One trip at Sungkai. We arrived destination about 9.00 am. As today was holiday, so there was so many peoples and combined with our team-40 peoples, there was full of peoples.Before we started playing in water activities, we had sang song praise to our lord and then pray together. Later, there was a games to play. Around 11.30 am, the game is over. Then, we started to play in water.

After eaten lunch, we went to hot springs. Times really gone faster, there was 3.00 pm already. Because of 4.00 pm, we will leave to go home, so we have to prepare for showers. I arrived home around 6.00 pm and my stomach was very hungry, a bowl of "YEE MEE" come on the time, that was really good. Although today was dragged exhausted body home, but i'm playing with joyfulness, exciting and happiness.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Today was holiday but i still need to go the campus to do the discussion with my friends. We had choose a comfortable place for us to the our's work, there was B-elearning 8. Today was just get nothing after we had discussion because got two friend had haven't finish their calculation so couldn't made anything. I had stay at campus until 5.30 pm. It was raining heavily and it was cold. Tonight, i needed to finish my work. Gambateh!!!!!

Monday 24 October 2011

In the early morning, my roommate, Doreen had cooked fried rice for me to eat and it's taste was so nice. Then, i had package the remaining for my lunch. At 1.00 pm, i had asked my friend came to discuss our assignment at B-elearning 10, but who knew their was waiting for me at B-elearning 7. And all of us had waiting for each other around half an hours until Ong's calling that i just know their waiting me at be7. It was very funny. At the evening, i had asked for my friend go jogging with me, but who know there was suddenly raining , it mad my mood suddenly down. Then, i just exercise in my house by using the “Hula Hoop”. After that, i had take a bath and continue to do my assignment.

Sunday 23 October 2011

I was so excited to do my work because last night i was slept at 6.30 pm until this morning 9.00 am, i just wake up. Hahaha....So, i got spirit to do my assignment that was haven't finish yet. Around 12.30 pm, my roommate had asked me to go to eat KFC, then we called a Taxi came to fetch us. I had order a set cheeze wedges and a set of Chicken Rice but i couldn't finish it because my stomach was full, so i just only could take away. At the night, after my spiritual group had finish, there was another spiritual group for Sabah peoples. My housemate didn't told me that spiritual group will having in our house, so i was surprise because that time i was watched movie at the living room and my others housemate was ate their's dinner. Finally, we just only can took our thing to our room and my housemate was ate dinner in their's room. Today, was a nothing special things happen and it was a wonderful day for me.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Because of that damn stupid line mad me need go to library to online and do my assignment. I was very angry, because it no just first time like that it was often like that and this time already one week can't use that line. I really want to ask them why we need to pay for that payment if the line can't use and just stupid like that. The only things i could do is bring my laptop to library and online. Haiz.......

Friday 21 October 2011

I had whole day class start 9.00 am until 7.30 pm, it was very tired. Then, i had send my printer to prepare because of some problem. I was angry with that printer because it was always got problems compare to my friend's one since it was same brand. I also had buy a External Ha-disc and two set of clothes. My housemate, Winnie had buy MC Donald for us to eat. Today, I felt very happy.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Today, my EC II class was start with the presentation from the other 10 groups and my group was already present on Tuesday. So, i just sit down and saw them do their's presentation. Then, i had go back to my hostel and start to do my assignment. At the evening, my housemate had asked me to go to the PC Fair. I had saw a External Ha-disc and it was cheap but i didn't buy it. Suddenly, there was a heavy rain, i had run back to my hostel to close my room's window. Then, i continue to watch my English movie-"Glee".

Wednesday 19 October 2011

It was a wonderful day. I had sleep until 10.00 am and i felt spirit because had that enough sleep. Then, i had wash my clothes and eat my breakfast before i go to the class. It was suddenly raining let me felt lazy to go for the class. At the evening, i had go to night market at Kolej Kuo. At the night, i had do my assignment that need to hand up on week 8. Since week 8 is nearly, it was arouse me to finish my assignment.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Today i had no class at all, but i need to wake up early because at 2.00 pm i got EC II presentation and i need to met with my friend and discuss with them. I was so nervous when i attend the class which is different group from my own group and there had China and Korea peoples in that group. They were so excited because their had role play and forum presentation too, but this mad me become more nervous. Luckily, i finish do my presentation then i had go to library to do my work since can't online at my hostel. Then, i had a dinner with my friend at "Fu Man Lou" at 6.00 pm. After that, i had discuss my assignment with my friend but suddenly called by the senior to attend the election for our Chinese association. It was finish at 10.30 pm.  I arrived at my hostel around 10.50 pm then i had take my bath before go to sleep. Today was a long time for me to stay whole day at campus.

Monday 17 October 2011

Today was a study day fro me. I had study from 8.00 am until 6.00 pm. It was so tired. After i had reach hostel, i had a dinner before go to take a bath. The WiFi line in my hostel is so stupid don't why can't online, make me can't search information from internet. Since that, there was no line then i just only can prepare to go to sleep.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Today, i was very tired because of yesterday activities. I have sleep until 10.00 am. At the noon, i had watched  a movie that was called "Glee Club". In this movie, i can learn how to speak English more properly to improve my own English. After that, i had take a bath to prepare for the spiritual group that was in my house. After that, we had go to eat the dinner together at the cafe.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Today, i wake up early because want to buy some fresh vegetable from "pekan". Then, i had attend my KRS II  class at 11.00 am. Today, our coursemate had organize a programmed on title" Kembara Ikhtiar Hidup" that we all need to cycle to Sungai Samak.

Arrived there, we had cooking competition and we get third place in that competition. Around 4.00 pm, we had finish our programmed. Then, i had go to "Pasar malam" with Doreen to buy some fresh fruits. I'm felt so tired and head was felt so painful, can't do anything then  i had go to sleep.

Friday 14 October 2011

It was a raining day. After i had finish my class at 6.00 pm, it was heavy raining, make me felt so cool. Arrived hostel, i and Doreen had cook dinner for the others. Today, there was nothing special things that i want face, i had watch movie with my roommate until 11.00 pm. Then, i had go to sleep.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Today, my EC II class was ended at 8.30 am, it was so nice. Our lecture had ask us go to Library to find the English article for next week presentation. We spent around 2 hours to find our own article. Then, i had go back to my hostel.

At the evening, i and Winnie had spent our time on saw the beautiful clothes that post at Facebook. It was so  beautiful and the prices was cheap and i had brought two trousers from there with costs RM70.00. After that, i had continue to do my assignment. Today, it just a simple and happy day for me.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

I had discussion with my friend at 9.30 am. We have share our opinion with each other on how to do the point and make it become more meaningful and fluently when read it. Around 12.00 noon, we had finish our discussion and i'm so happy because can point our many idea for that homework. After that, i had prepare myself to attend the class at 2.00 pm. In the night, i had start to do my another assignment. I hope that i can finish it before the early month of November.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Today was a raining day and it was cold. I had met with my friend at campus to discuss our assignment on 9.00am. We had discuss on how to do that assignment and separate the work to each others. Around 12.30 am, we finish on our assignment, so i had go back to my hostel. After taking bath, i started to do my work until night. I had try my best in doing my work so that all things that i do is useful and can get good marks from lecture.

Monday 10 October 2011

My 2P Lecture had check whom didn't came today because it was too much people didn't attend the class. He had make a call to those who didn't came to his class to get the reason. Luckily, i and my friend had attend the class. I felt thanks to Shu Xian because had bring me and my friend to attend the class at Proton City on 4.00 pm if not we will really late for that class. Today, i felt so tired.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Today, i was headache, didn't had mood to do everything. I was sleeping for whole morning. At the noon, i and my roommate had cook "Bihun Goreng" as our lunch. After had lunch, i start to read my notes that given by lecture because tomorrow lecture will ask question on that topic. I only can memories and read few of the all set of notes because felt so sleepy so i go to take a bath to refresh my mind. At the night, i and my housemate had go the Zee Tomyam to eat the dinner.

Friday 7 October 2011

I more prefer news and entertainment program. As we know, news is important for us. We can know whole world news through this program even though we stay at home whole day. Therefore, we can gain our knowledge with one finger.  For workers, students even though professor, all of us can using news to upgrade or changing they thinking, mind set, action and other else. For example, for a businessmen, they can change they plan according world track through news. So, I loving news program so much because news can make sure us won’t knock out from this fully competitive and lot of cruel world.

Besides that, entertainment program also one important part in my life. In this fully stressing, competitive, and cruel world, entertainment can let me release tension. As we know, nowadays patient of psychosis increasing from time to time. From the research, lots of teacher psychosis which cause by principal, parents and personal problem. This happen because most of them do not have effective and efficiency ways to release their tension. So we must have own way to solve this problem. For me, sporting is useful but tired. Therefore I more prefer entertainment program to release tension. In this kind program normally contains many funny issues which can make us feel happy. “Smile always is most effective way to let negative issues away from us. This is the reason why I love both of the programs so much. 

Thursday 6 October 2011

Today, our topic is "Journey to the Future", so i think journeys are the foundations of our lives. It is the process of getting from one point to another. Life is a remarkable journey that takes us up and down a road of happiness, growth, interaction, love, fear and sometimes pain and hardship, which comes with all the good we are blessed withEveryone has their own journey, yet we all experience the same emotions and struggles that are synonymous with our life. Marriage is also one part that we need to go through to form a family. Our journey will begin with our first cry at birth and end with our last breath at our death.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Today, i stay at library for whole morning to do my homework. After that, i had wait for my friend, Doreen to go to eat lunch together. Suddenly, there was a heavy rain and at that time also we need to attend class at 2.00 pm, so i and my friend had no choice, need run to the class. It make our clothes, trousers, bag, shoes all was wet. The wet clothes and trousers make me felt so uncomfortable. I was stay with my wet clothes, trousers for two period of that lesson, it was so cold. Nicely, when i and my friend went back to the hostel, there's already had a hot soup that was finish cook by Winnie for us.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

A friend is someone who you can relate to and can rely on, and who can rely on you. A friend is someone who you can tell everything to. If you're lucky enough they might trust you enough to confide in you too. Everybody knows the says " Treat other the way you want to be treated", so if you are open and sincere about things, there is a great chance that they will share their thought with you also.

Monday 3 October 2011

Life is a remarkable journey that takes us up and down a road of happiness, growth,  interaction, love, fear and sometimes pain and hardship, which comes with all the good we are blessed with. Everyone has their own journey, yet we all experience the same emotions and struggles that  are synonymous with life. Our journey will begin with our first cry at  birth and end with our last breath at our death.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Today, i wake up so early because of that damn noisy sound from Kolej Khar. I was so angry because it was almost every weekend we heard that noisy sound that start in the early morning. I was to online but the line was damage make me can't find the information from the internet. After that, my housemate, Tham had cook the lunch for me and Doreen and it was so delicious. At the evening, it was blowing a gale and the clothes was fly everywhere. At the same time, there were a spiritual group at my hostel. We singing together and praise to the lord and also share our opinion, problem with each other and this spiritual group was finish at around 7.30 pm.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Today it was a wonderful day. I was so jealous with my housemate, Winnie because she can go back to her hometown but i can't go back to my hometown because it was so far and the transport fees is so expensive. In the evening, we and another two boys had plan to go to the "pasar malam" to buy some fruits and vegetables. At the night, my senior had bring her christian friends come to my house to do their's gathering group. I and my friend had be closed in the room can't go out because our living room is full of people. We can't do anything so we only can wait them go back first then we can go out from our room.

Friday 30 September 2011

Funny take photo!!

Today, I and my friend have take some photo at B E-learning while waiting the class start at 3.00 pm. After that, we have attend to the class at 3.00 pm. After had listen explanation from the lecture, we had ask to do some exercise from him. We found that there was so many things that we were misunderstood. I felt that i was get nothing from this lesson today.

Thursday 29 September 2011


Today our topic on public speaking is "Life is a journey" .

Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what’s to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn something’s,
But never meant to stay……

Our destination is a place,
for greater than we know.
For some the journey’s quicker,
For some the journey’s slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We’ll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
together with the lord.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Today was first time saw my housemate, Winnie cook the dinner for me and the other housemate. It was found that the vegetable cook by her was so delicious. After having dinner, i and my friend had  together go to attend the dancing club at campus. Before dancing, we all have to pull tibial. For me, it was too long no pull tibial, so make my muscle and my body felt so painful. Even though my body and muscle felt painful, but i was quiet enjoy in that moment. After the sweat had come out, i felt so refreshment. Around 9.30 pm, i and my friend had go back to our hostel. Later, when finish take bath, i continue to do my homework before go to sleep.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Life is journey, but how can i do to make my life become more colorful in this three years at UPSI . I think i need to think seriously and carefully before i regret and before i leave this place.

Today i didn't had any class, so today i'm so free. I had ask my friend to bring me to the Billion mini market to buy something. Before that, i had never go to the Billion mini market since i had been study at here for two semester because of the transportation problem. But today i had chance go to the mini market, it was similarly to my hometown's place which was full of the things and the price was so cheap and we had brought many things at there. I think my life is now starting become more colorful. Thank you, Wei Leong.

Monday 26 September 2011

Today's class is much more than the other days, so i as usual prepare myself before go to wait the bus. From the lecture say, we got know that the class today had been canceled, because he had get information to attend a program. Because of that class cancellation, i and my friend went together to the e-learning to access which got the strong line. 

My timetable on today is full especially at the noon until evening. After i have finish my class at 4.00 pm, i had rush to Proton City to attend my next class. But who knows there was no bus go to the Proton City even though there was many buses at there. We had asked for the bus drivers, but them say the PC bus is at Bus Stop KAB there, then we go there and ask, who knows the driver say this bus is not  go to the PC. I and my friend felt very angry about that because we had wait nearly one hour but still no bus. At that moment, we only can called a car to fetch us go to the PC.  The bus service and the attitude of the bus driver make me felt so disappointed and also irresponsible.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Today, i'm nothing to do. After having the breakfast, i was face to my Laptop the whole day. The internet line at here is slow like turtle, want to find some information to do my assignment also can't. So, what can i do??????

I'm lazy go to the campus even though i know the internet line at B E-learning is fast compare the line at my hostel. I waste my time on playing the computer games and movie for whole day. At the evening, there was a spiritual group at my hostel. We share our opinion, problem with each other and this spiritual group was finish at around 7.30 pm. After that, i had go to take a bath. Today, i was do nothing and the assignment haven't touch yet also. 

Saturday 24 September 2011

Say No To Tension!!!!!!

Before go for the KRS class, i and my friend had eat the breakfast at cafe "I One U" in our Tanjung Malim "pekan". After that, we had go to Maybank to credit our money while waiting for the bus. I attend the class at 11.00 am and in this class it doesn't make me fell so tension on how to do this how to do that in the assignment no matter do it individually or do it in a group.

After having the class, i was waiting for my friend in the campus because she had the group discussion with her friends. Around 3.30 pm, i go back to my hostel to prepare myself before go to the church. It was my first time to hand up the singing part in Tanjung Malim church. I was very afraid and nervous. Then, there was somebody  already set up a lot of games for us to play to make our relationship become more closer. In that games, we were very with happy

Friday 23 September 2011

Today I get up early as usual, prepare ready to go for my class. While we were going to take the bus, since it is appeared in front of an alley packed with people. We waited a long time for the bus. Today we finish our first two hours of classes, then the teacher say the third class was cancel, we were very happy. After that, I went to "Garden Dhali"with my friends to enjoy our lunch.About 11:30, I and my friends went together to orientation that was organized by the Chinese Club", in which we participated in many interesting activities and meet many new JuniorBecause we have classes at 3.00 pm, so I leave early.The new lecture was very cute, kind also very interesting and in that lesson, I learned a lot thing about how to use the grammar correctly. After having the class, i have group discussion with my friend at b e-learning. 

Thursday 22 September 2011

Today, almost to late, because of sleeping late on preparation for today's EC public speaking last night. While the answer for the public speaking on title "Human Interest" are ready, but at the end the answer was no use because the name didn't called by the lecture. Today my lecture are directly told us - when in her class must talk in English with each other, otherwise she will kick us out of her class or drop us automatically in this courses. Besides that, she was also very harsh to blame the students because of several mistakes on doing the work that she ask to do. 

I have finish my lunch then i went to the bus station want to go back but there was too many people until make wait the bus for six times. I was thanks to "Wei Leong" because willing fetch me back to the hostel if not i don't know how long should i wait for getting the bus. 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Bad Day!!!!!!

Today, I was in bad mood because at the midnight there was a group of people did the matching and sang a song near my hostel. The matching sound is very loud until make me can't sleep well. Besides that, around 4.00 am like that there was a car alarm sound very noisy and the car owner doesn't take action to turn off the alarm. At that moment, i was very angry and i want throw the stone to that car because of that damn alarm noisy sound. Then, i had prepare myself to attend the class. Today was a bad day for me.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Secret Recipe and TM point

In the early morning, after i have finish wash my clothes and take a bath i go to attend the class. After finish the class i and my friend go to TM Point to apply the streamyx for our hostel to convenient us when we want to find some information for our assignment. After that we have go the Secret Recipe to have some tea and cake. I have order a New York Cheese Cake whenever my friend have order Mable Cheese Cake and Chocolate Cheese Cake respectively. I found that it was a nice place for me to relax and release my tension. I enjoy so much at there. Since there was no Taxi, we walk back to our Campus.

Monday 19 September 2011

Raining Day

Today i wake up early because i have a class at 8.00 am. After i have arrive to the class, it is raining up. It is a heavy rain. After finish the class, i have go to buy some file and A4 paper with my friend and  then i go to collect my printer that have been send for repairing. Because it was raining, so i have call for a taxi to send i and my friend back to the hostel. At the night, i have do the homework for the course of  "2P". After that, i continue see my movie before go to sleep.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Simple day

Today my friend have to go back to his own place so i accompany him to wait bus. After he have back, i and my housemate have lunch at the Azizan cafe that near by our hostel. We found that the food that sell at that cafe is so cheap and it is delicious too. After we have lunch, we go back to our hostel. Then, I felt nothing to do so i have share my personal thing with my housemate and she is listen to me and also give some advise to me. I felt that the heavy stone that stay long time in my heart is already gone after i have share with my housemate. Today is just a simple day for me and there was nothing happen.

Saturday 17 September 2011

"Pasar Malam"

Today is Saturday so i  got opportunity to bring my friend to visit the "Pasar Malam" in Tanjung Malim. It was not same as my hometown because it only open in every Saturday but my hometown is open everyday. We have buy some fruits like apple, dragon fruit and we also buy some foods like satay, "sau mai" and so on. At the night, we have eat the foods and fruits together and we also chatting with each others include the senior who was our new housemate in this semester. It is a wonderful day for me.

Friday 16 September 2011

Malaysia's Day

Today is Public Holiday so i didn't have any class. I have bring my friend to visit Tanjung Malim because this is first time he comes to Tanjung Malim. I have bring him to eat the "Bang Mian" then we go to "Grant Union" to buy the filter water and weight measuring before we go home. At the night, i have cook a "mamee mee" for him to eat. Then, we have a movie before we sleep.

Thursday 15 September 2011

NEW TRY!!!!!

This is my first try to create my own blogger. Honestly, i doesn't have habit to write down the daily life in the blogger or inside the book. However, this time my EC II lecture ask my all class to create a blog and write down at least 50 words in this blog everyday. So i just try my best to write everything that i can.